Musings in the Dark: Boss Chicks, Volume 1: DS9 Divas


Boss Chicks, Volume 1: DS9 Divas

Inspired by my Deep Space Nine marathon I’m having with my homie Ankhesen, I’ve decided to pay homage to strong female characters I’ve seen represented in this series, as well as other women from other shows.  I’m a hard core sci-fi/horror fangirl, and when I see a strong female in a TV show, I get excited.  I’m sure I’ll miss a few, but feel free to inform me of who I’ve missed and what show I’ve missed them in.  I’m more of a fan of old school TV, but I never get tired of seeing badass chicks on the small screen, whether it’s back in the 60s or right now.

Volume one of Boss Chicks concerns the multitude of strong female characters on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.  I’ll begin my homage with Major Kira Nerys, played by Nana Visitor.

Kira Nerys is a member of the Bajoran militia and the second-in-command on DS9.  She’s a former terrorist and, as the title says, a boss chick.  Kira’s battle-hardened, due to having fought the Cardassians that occupied Bajor all her life.  She lacks imagination because of this, but is able to relax her chokehold on reality as the series goes on.

Kira doesn’t run from fights; we see her kick major ass, but we also see her get beat down a couple of times.  She never loses her terrorist tendencies, for they come in handy when the Dominion war steps up.  She has an ironclad faith in the gods that rule her home planet, and she fights for what she believes in.  She and Captain Sisko are often at odds, but there is a mutual respect and appreciation between them.   Kira also has one of the best poker faces I’ve ever seen.  Her adversaries are never quite certain if she’s bluffing, and she toes the line easily.

You have to admire a woman like Kira.  She means what she says and does what she says she’ll do.  She’s able to maintain serious romantic relationships while fending off the unwanted amorous attentions of her mortal enemy.  She also continues to run things even while she’s pregnant.  

One of my favorite scenes takes place near the end of DS9’s run, in the episode “Tacking Into the Wind.”  Kira, having stolen an enemy ship (without the enemy’s knowledge) orders all lower compartments be flooded with deadly gas, thereby killing all of the inhabitants not on the bridge.  She does this with a straight face, unblinking, and cooler than a penguin’s twat.  I ask: what is there not to like about a woman who does not have a problem kicking ass and taking names?  And looking damn near flawless while doing so?

Up next:  Jadzia Dax

1 comment:

  1. Kira doesn’t run from fights; we see her kick major ass, but we also see her get beat down a couple of times. She never loses her terrorist tendencies, for they come in handy when the Dominion war steps up.

    I'll be honest; when I first really started watching DS9, I didn't like Kira, her uniform, or her hair. But as a slightly older woman now, I can really appreciate her character. This woman never backed down, and she was never afraid to do whatever was necessary. After watching and rewatching these eps with you, I'm gaining a newfound respect for her.


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