Musings in the Dark: February 2014


Fic Update: Discipline

"You mean you’re finally going to fire me?  This means we can be seen together in public, then?"

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Fic Update: Discipline

I put my hands on his desk and leaned forward so that my face was inches from his.  “We can do this thing on two conditions.”

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Fic Update: Discipline (6/?)

I couldn’t help but smile at how ostentatious it was, but when he got out wearing jeans and a simple blue shirt, my heart smiled.  While the car seemed to match the image of the man I worked with, the way he was looking right now caught me completely from the left.  He looked like a regular guy.  A regular great-looking guy.  His hair was tied back with a leather strap and his sleeves were partially rolled.  His bracelet shone in the sunlight and his smile… I decided that I liked him better this way.  Don’t get me wrong; the man gave a new definition to rocking a suit, but this…this right here was very nice.


Fic Update: Discipline (5/?)

“Yes,” he said, and before I knew it, he had me in his arms, straddling his lap, looking into his endless blue eyes.  His hands were on my ass and all I could think about at that second was about how thin my dress was.  The man was strong.  Have I mentioned that yet?  How strong he was?  How he could hold me tight, hold me hard, hold me the way a woman needs to be held?  How safe I felt when he had his arms around me?  He’s so strong.  It was a definite bonus.  He lifted me like I weighed absolutely nothing.  “Yes,” he said again, staring at me.

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Fic Update: Discipline

“Am I wrong in assuming that men are constantly throwing flowers at your feet?  If that is the case, then I must be working among complete morons.  I simply can’t believe that there isn’t a straight man in this city that you haven’t captivated enough to want by his side.”

I took a deep breath, cursing the fact that the sexy bastard had the absolute audacity to smell good.  The utter nerve of him, working my girl nerves!  He had some sweet game, though.  I know I was blushing…at least a little.  “Half of my associates would be completely demoralized to hear you say such things.”

“No doubt they want the top prize for themselves,” he said, moving closer to me.

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Fic Update: Discipline (3/?)

"I heard a muffled thump! and looked over to the side.  A small smile broke over my lips as I cupped my wineglass and walked out of my apartment.  Ten steps later, I was opening his door and walking across his floor in my bare feet.  I heard him in the kitchen and I thought I’d wait for him to come out.  I took another sip of my excellent wine and ran my fingers through my hair.  I wore it down and completely free; my hair appointment was scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.  If it got fucked up tonight because of our shared, secret chicanery, it would be absolutely no problem."


Fic Update Alert: Discipline (2/?)

"He was tall, very tall, and slender.  He walked towards me and extended his hand.  Nice, long fingers, square nails…not a callus to be found. There was a gold bracelet peeking from under his suit jacket.  I took his hand and gripped it while looking him dead in the eyes, which were green.  He had black hair; as black and as layered as a raven’s wings, slicked back and longer than I prefer my associates to have, but it worked for him.  Boy, did it work.  He was decked out in the finest of Alexander McQueen and he smelled great.  He looked at me and there was a smile dancing over his lips.  “_______________, at your service.” "

In the Shadow of Greatness

I would like to take some time to honor a man who, in a short time, has become a very important part of my life.  He is a fellow creative soul, a genius in residence, an all-around stud, and one of the wisest people I know.  He is a man who covers the ground where he stands, and being that he's 6'5", that's a lot of ground.  If he has your back, then you are blessed indeed.

He is a staunch supporter of PoC, LGBTQs, women, and other marginalized groups.  He takes no prisoners and he does not back down.  You don't want to roll up on him on a brightly lit alley, much less a dark one.  He allows you to say whatever you want, but choose your words wisely, because he'll make you eat them if you can't defend them.

He takes absolutely zero shit off racists, haters, asshats, wanna-be allies, jerks, innanet gangstas and keyboard warriors.  For fools who wanna chug a bottle of eCourage and come for him, he is classy enough to warn your dumb asses that that is not the wisest course of action.  And he's super-kind enough to link me to watch the takedowns occur.  It's one of my few forms of entertainment.

I have learned so much just by listening to his words and reading his articles and posts.  I'm not nearly as knowledgeable in the arena of social activism as he is, but because of what I've learned from him, I'm able to stand tall in the areas I can and deflect the fuckery that ultimately comes my way.

To my friend, my fellow author, and my brother from another mother, I wish you nothing but good dreams, better blessings, and multiple fortunes.  And if I could fund your very own personal rotating hottie lineup, I'd gladly fork over the cash to do so.

*raises glass*  To you, Denny!  May 2014 be as good to you as 2013 was to me.


New Shortie Alert: Discipline

Well, this little baby was inspired by a discussion over on The Black Girls’Club.  May I present to you, “Discipline,” starring Jill Scott, Tom Hardy, & Tom Hiddleston.  This fic comes with pics and a soundtrack.  

Lord, he felt so good.  My hands went up and down, down and up, taking in the tactile terrificness of his torso and I couldn’t help but moan a little.  But being the calm, cool woman that I am, I moved my hands back up to curl around his neck, making sure I got every inch of available skin. Then, when I was ready, I caressed the lobe of his right ear, giving him the signal to sit up.  He did so, giving me room to get to my knees.  I’m so glad my tub is deep; otherwise water would slosh everywhere.


Dark Love, Part 1: Thriller

I’m a diehard, card-carrying, flag-waving, T-shirt-sporting fan of Stephen King.  I’ve been a fan since I sprouted breasts, which may explain a few things that I don’t care to elaborate.  Anyway, I own and have read all of his books, and my favorite book of all time is IT, read in 3 blistering, manic days when I was but a girl of 15.  This man has had the biggest, most hugest influence on my life as an author.  I absolutely adore him and that’s the black-ass bottom line.

In 1981, Mr. King wrote a nonfiction book titled Danse Macabre, which is a series of essays on the history, nature, quality, and substance of horror in media from 1950 to 1980 (and it is in need of a SERIOUS update, Mr. King).  He references novels, TV shows, and radio programs that he recalls from his early years and their place in our pop culture collective unconscious.  The book is heavily cited, and considering the influences the citations had on his work, I eagerly backtracked to get my hands on as many of the stories, books, and shows he referenced.  Thank God for the internet.


Tangled Axon: Ascension

Sometime last year, JVNX sent me a link to an eBook by Jacqueline Koyanagi.  One glimpse at the cover and I KNEW I was going to purchase it.

Is this or is this not a bad-ass cover?
This is NOT something I see often, and I’m compelled to throw virtual money at any sci-fi/fantasy (any genre, really, except hood lit) story that features a sistah on the cover.  Especially a cover as nice as this one.

Now on to the story.  Alana Quick is a sky surgeon (aka engineer) who dreams of engines and desperately wants to serve on a starship.  She suffers from a condition similar to fibromyalgia, and cannot afford to get the treatment she needs.  When the story opens, Alana is working in her and her aunt’s junkyard when an old Gartrik vessel lands in search of her spirit-guide sister, Nova.  Alana decides to stow away on the ship, the Tangled Axon, on the suggestion of the ship’s doc, Slip.  Once she is discovered, the adventure begins.