Well, 2018 unexpectedly brought me a new fandom to write in: Star Wars. The pairing in this instance is Rey & Kylo Ren (and if you watched The Last Jedi, this should be of no surprise). Funny thing is, I am not stoked about this new trilogy. I was "meh" after The Force Awakens and even more so after TLJ. As an antagonist and agent of the Dark Side, Kylo Ren does not do it for me. Not one bit. Not even a slice of a smidge.
But the Muse, oh the Muse...she hit me over the head and here I am, five chapters into a story I don't really have time to write. I certainly hope you enjoy. We'll see what happens.
"Leia squeezed Rey’s
hands. “You can’t stay with us,
Rey. Not now, maybe not for a long
time. You need him. He needs you.
You have to go to him.”"
A new fanfic. Yeah.