Musings in the Dark: Update




I am so sorry that it has been almost three months since I last posted anything.  This year has been hectic and I've been so swamped with work and other related things that I've been unable to do hardly anything that I enjoy.

I have some news, of course.  First of all, I've accepted a job in Indonesia and will be moving there this summer.  I am so excited to be moving on from KSA, as I've had enough of this place.  Bali will be the first place I visit as soon as I get a break, trust.  It is my sincere hope that with all of the experience I've gained in Shanghai and Riyadh that I can put down some roots in Indonesia.  I hate moving.

Secondly, I've resumed work on Tainted.  It's been four years (I found this unbelievable, but computer dates don't lie) and I've finally figured out what the novel needed.  Funny how that works, but my Muse is never, ever wrong.  Having said all that, I plan to publish Tainted sometime this fall.  It's got a kick-ass new cover, courtesy of the talented and gifted JVNX.

The only real drawback I face is the fact that it takes a me year to get settled in a new job in a new country.  Of course, this takes time away from my writing, which is one of the reasons I want to get Tainted published before I settle into my new life.  This will most likely push back work on Nightingales episodes 2 & 3.  Oh well, what can you do?

I will make a concerted effort not to let this much time go by before I write another post.  There's so much that's been going on in all directions that it's been hard to focus.  However, now that I know where I'm going, things will calm down a bit.  I hope, anyway.

Talk to you soon.  ~A

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