Musings in the Dark: Parasite



I was finally able to catch Bong Joon Ho’s Oscar-winning film Parasite.  It is an excellent movie.  I’m going to keep this review as short as possible so not to ruin the experience.  Basically, the Kims, a devious poor family that lives in a semi-basement apartment, manage to finesse their way into four high-paying service positions for the wealthy and somewhat naïve Park family.  The Kims are some straight up hustlers and the way they slide into those service positions is nothing short of brilliant.  However, their actions have some serious consequences.

The way the film is shot is amazing.  Bong Joon Ho uses vertical cinematography (in this case, stairways and hills) to convey wealth.  It is very clear that the world that the Parks inhabit is worlds different from the world of the Kims.  There is a discussion among the Kims at the halfway mark of the film about how money fixes things.  Mrs. Kim says that “money is an iron,” and she is 100% correct.  Who the title of the film refers to seems obvious at first, but as the movie progresses, that descriptor becomes fluid and it is not so easy to brand just one family as parasitic. 

If you get the chance to watch Parasite, do it.  It is a movie that requires multiple viewings and it won’t be a waste of time to do so.  Grade: A.


  1. I haven't watched this movie. But I have watched a few movie review videos on it. It looks interesting, but I am keeping my eyes out for the sequel to Train To Busan. It's called Peninsula. It's a shame Gong Yoo is not in there, but the trailer looks wicked nonetheless.

    1. I'm waiting on that to drop as well. But if you can see Parasite, do so. It's sooo good. Bong Joon Ho did his thing.

  2. I will have to look into my usually websites and see if they have Parasites.

    Do you like Zombies? I just seen this trailer last night. The Clearing Trailer (2020) Liam McIntyre Zombie Horror Movie-

    1. I'm not a big zombie fan. Never have been.

  3. WHAT? You don't like zombies???

    I live for that shit. Give me zombies over vampires any day of the week.

    1. Nope, never have. I love vamps (but am honestly bored of them right now), werewolves, witches, psychos...but Imma pass on zombies. How do you make a zombie sexy??? I don't see it for 'em.

  4. No, no, no. Zombies are not supposed to be sexy. You looking in the wrong place for that. LOL!!!

    I never watched The Walking Dead because I love my zombies fast and crazy. Those zombies on that show moved too slow for my liking.

    1. That's why I can't connect with them. There's NOTHING at all appealing about the undead. I can't do shit with that.


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