Musings in the Dark: From the Vault...All Hallows' Eve


From the Vault...All Hallows' Eve

Halloween is my favorite holiday.  It occurs during my favorite
season.  My birthday’s about ten days removed, it’s the middle of football season, I’m cooking “real” food, and the air’s got a nice snap to it. For many, Halloween’s about trick-or-treating, costumes, candy, pranks, haunted houses, parties, great TV...yanno, cool shit like that.  For me, it’s always been about the candy, movies and costumes, but as I got older, I became fascinated with the origins of the holiday.

Halloween, or All Hallow’s Eve, precedes All Saints Day, which is a religious holiday that celebrates, well...saints.  Halloween’s genesis dates back centuries, influenced by harvest celebrations and festivals of the dead. The holiday has pagan roots, specifically Samhain (SAH-win). Samhain is the night when the spirits of the deceased from the past year could mingle with the living before journeying on to the other side (whatever side that may be).  There were not only spirits frolicking about, but also fairies, demons, devils, and all manner of fiends hanging out with the living.  (I’m positive there’s a story here...maybe in time for next year

I know, I know...I keep putting off that last part. But I still have hope.

So think about it. When you hit the streets on October 31st and try to get up on some candy in your fiercest dominatrix gear and you come across a handsome devil...BEWARE!

" gonna wear that sexy little thing I like...?"

Update:  Living in Asia has really made me long for the fall of the US East Coast. The handful of trees scattered here don't really change colors and the actual season lasts about four weeks.  There's no football or tailgating or anything that makes fall fall, and it makes me homesick.  

Halloween isn't acknowledged in this part of the world. The only thing I can do to celebrate is prepare my horror movie marathon lineup, pop some popcorn and eat some candy. It will have to do, but lawd...I can't wait to end up someplace where I can go to a freakin' halloween party.

I'm now in a city where I can openly celebrate the holiday. There's supposed to be a holiday party at the job and I can wear a costume to work...or I could, if my shipment had arrived when it was supposed to. Just the fact that we can acknowledge Halloween makes me happy. So let's celebrate!!!

I'm going to kick back, relax and watch a classic from 1985, "The Midnight Hour." Join me.  

Below is a clip with Shari Belafonte singing "Get Dead."  I love this movie.

Happy Halloween, everybody!

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